rather ferociously.
you were a highlight to my months: i couldn't wait to buy you. take you home. curl up on the couch with you. sip a cup of joe with you.
so now i must resort to savoring your backissues. glancing at them sparingly in an attempt to forever be surprised.
...it's not working.
...i've memorized your every issue.
...please, someday, oneday, come back to me.
your covers never fail to provide the eye candy i crave.
your color schemes are delectable, to say the least.
and i envy your simplicity.
if i had my own dock, on my own lake, it would look like this.
and i would probably never go inside.
yes, pink couch, i think i will eat you for dinner.
you are that scrumptious.
oh, marfa. not only is your name entirely awesome.
so are your desert bike rides.
any of you been to marfa? i won't deny my envy if you have...
note to self (& hubby):
someday have a fabulous backyard.
like...this one.
so yes...Domino, i am missing you.
thank goodness i have an expansive blog arsenal to keep me plenty occupied. or, maybe distracted is a better word.
and, speaking of blogs, have you seen...
i've always wanted to sew a shower curtain, but have yet to acquire the confidence to match the depth of the project.if you're in my boat, this may help :)
and, if you're still suffering from Domino withdrawals, there's always the brilliant
Lonny Magazine. very domino-esque, and quite considerate to the pocket book, considering it's free.
then again there's always delightful design musings to be seen and read over at
Creature Comforts. a day hardly passes in which i don't drool over her style.
HAPPY wednesday, all.