I really want the focus of this blog to orient around good design. However, I am a firm (and I will reiterate--firm) believer that good design does not have to come with a high price tag, or, any price tag for that matter. In fact, three of my most favorite decorating resources are garage sales, flea markets, and curbside treasures. I really love the challenge that "thrifty" decorating presents, and would love to showcase creative decorating ideas that are inspiring in their unique quality as well as their inexpensive derivatives.
With that said, please feel free to send me any of your own pictures or ideas you have for such decorating / design redos. I would love to showcase any and all of the inspiration that I feel fits into the element of this blog. It's as easy as clicking on the "email me" link on the right-hand side of my page. Thanks so much...I'm excited!