23 June 2014


So, it's Monday...a day of new beginnings, right? To say I need a new beginning with le ol' blog is most certainly understatement. But, friends...life got a bit crazy, and my inspiration was more than waning, and it did me an unfathomable amount of good to unplug for a bit...and just relish in all that's been going on in my little world:

Speaking of, there's been LOTS going on in that world...or belly. If you follow me on instagram you probably know that the Mr. and I have a little Maple bun brewing in the oven...a little girl...due in late September :)

So, friends...I am back. Or, shall I say, we are back. Back to being busy, back to blogging, back to the daily grind. Well, all of those things have been there all along, but I'll no longer be keeping you in the dark. There's more design projects to be finished (and started)...a new little abode for Maple and I to work on and decorate...and a baby to soon bring home. Thanks for sticking with me in my radio silence...I surely hope you'll keep reading.