16 April 2013


Well...I don't even know what happened to today. Aside from being buried beneath a mile long to-do list, working on client design plans (yay!), and taking care of much needed business housekeeping (boo!), I've eaten nothing but handful after handful of Trader Joe's powerberries. Have you had them? Don't try them. You'll have to hide them. Truly...aside from my 7am french toast, they're all I've eaten today.

Anyway, Kentucky has finally decided to relinquish spring weather, and it couldn't be more incredible. I can't even believe how much I missed that amazingly plush bluegrass we're so lucky to step foot on. So, I inevitably find myself channeling thoughts of outdoor design, and wondering if my powerberries will melt in the sun? Probably. But here's some inspiration for you, as I hope your Tuesday's filled the same springtime goodness!

 The most amazing outdoor bar ever? 
Why, yes...I can't believe you asked.

Uber-classy Tom Scheerer, making us all teem with jealousy over his humble 
little Bahamian abode? Yes.

Perfect backyard dwelling, or design office of my dreams?


If only you didn't have to wait like 8 years for vines to fill in like this.

And Wisteria? I may love it even more than powerberries.

So, friends. Happy Tuesday, happy spring, and happy thoughts of the outdoors. 
We may all be tied to a desk, but here's to hoping your day's been just as productive as mine's been.


Anonymous said...

These are sooo beautiful!
Esp the last one with the amazing purple flowers i see everywhere i go! I just love them!

And really enjoy reading your blog, will be following you on bloglovin so i won't miss a post!


Hannah Maple said...

Thank you, Corina! Took a peek at your blog, it's AMAZING! So glad to have you as a reader, and to be a reader of yours! :)