26 May 2010

books, please?

dear readers,
i need your suggestions.
i've read and read til i can read no more...all the way through my bookshelf.
and now i'm lost.

so please, if you would be so kind and leave a comment with any titles you
think worthy of reading.
i'm not picky--i like a bit of everything--just any and every book you absolutely
couldn't put down.

i'd be forever grateful.
{photo: kaboomish gem}


Christina said...

tales of a thunderbolt kid. my favorite. or get malcolm gladwell's new book. it's a collection of his work from the new yorker.

Laura said...

HANNAH! read my blog from the other day! basically, i'm obsessed with the Stieg Larsson series... if you haven't already finished them.. (the 3rd just came out a day ago.. so i hope not...) you DEFINITELY need to read them. They're awesome :)

Anne Dean said...

The Help by Katherine Stockett!

AllisonMenne said...

hannah, i agree with laura, steig larsson is the way to go! i buzzed through the first two and bought the third one the day it came out. they are fantastic books!! you won't be able to put them down once you start so beware!