20 July 2009

Sometimes white is right.

I can't even believe that it's Monday...and that I haven't posted since the previous Monday. I've been spending my evenings ironing out lots of details for ella mint, and unfortunately maple & shade took the brunt of it. But no more! I've happily resumed posting...and dreaming...of airy white spaces filled with bliss.

each photo linked to its origin.

I love the thrill of color, but I always seem to drift back to a desire for white. It's so serene, and paints the perfect backdrop for a display of furniture and unique finds. I feel as if it really allows for one to combine an eclectic mixture of styles...the simplicity and neutrality keep a space from really becoming too busy or overdone. Today's post makes me want to drop everything and curl up on a cozy couch with a steamy cup of joe in hand. The power...or shall I say, the peace...of white.

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