I have a bike crush. Her name is Jenny. She's yellow. And brown. With zig-zag stitching. It was crush at first sight. But there's a competitor, vying for my affection. Her name is Cream. Admittedly, not as pretty of a name as Jenny, but her good-looks & undeniable charm make up for that lacking.

Now let me introduce you to Coffee. He's dark and handsome...with an air of confidence that comes with being lean and well-built. I think he and my husband would get along quite nicely.

How cute is this little
number? I'm totally thinking of having her printed and hanging her in my house as a friendly little reminder to bike it whenever I can.

Hmm...if I got Jenny, I could change my # to 867-5309. Added benefit. :)
So, Jenny or Cream? Any thoughts?
Hi! I found your blog from a link on Lindsay's "Duet Becomes a Trio" blog. Ever since visiting California I have been wanting a bike, but just can't decide if I'd use it. I LOVE the yellow one! :)
i want a pretty bike built for two with the basket in front! reading this makes me want to get a cute bike ...
me too, me too!! i'm leaning toward cream...because how amazing would a mint green basket on the front be? ohh myyy...
Ooh, I love Jenny! I actually have Cream and my fiancee has Coffee...we love them, we used to live in New York City and we biked all over the city with them last summer, it was great! I put a basket on mine and it looked even more vintage, love it!!!!
Just started reading your blog and love it!
I actually took "Jenny" for a test ride back in May when I bought my bike! I live in Chicago and biking is just wonderful here in the summer months.
Here is a link to my post about the bike I ended up getting:
I chose the pink one over the yellow one because I found the seat to be comfier and I figured that's pretty important if I'm going to be riding it a lot! Jenny is awfully cute though!
Yay! for another bike lover........I just bought a beach cruiser and had the HARDEST time choosing which one to buy.
I posted about the four competitors here: http://littlepinkshadetree.blogspot.com/2009/07/i-have-big-decision-to-make.html
I ended up going w/ the green one and LOVE IT! I've named her Rosemary......so cheesy, but awesome.
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