28 October 2013


Friends, remember I told you of my incredibly talented composer of a brother-in-law? Remember how my Maple and I accompanied them to Sundance last January, because the documentary he scored was being featured? Remember how that documentary (Blood Brother) swept all of the major Sundance awards for its category?

Well, get VERY excited, because Blood Brother is screening in downtown Lexington (at the Kentucky Theater) on the night of November 21st!

People--this is big. You HAVE to see this film. It's incredible...such an amazing reminder that there is in fact inherent good in this world...and selfless people with resolute compassion who deeply, deeply care. It will rock your world. I mean, it was the only film at 2013 Sundance to receive a standing ovation after every single showing. If that doesn't say something, I don't know what will!

So, Lexington--go reserve your tickets! 

November 21.

I will see you there :)

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