01 April 2013


Well, folks, it's finally beginning to feel like spring around here...and this girl couldn't be any happier about that change in dreary, snowy weather. There's actually sunshine today! And, even though Easter was full of drizzle and void of sun, it was relatively warm...and wonderful. Hoping the very same rang true for you and your families. So, here's what was happening on my Easter holiday, and, all last week in my design world:

 All of my life-long Easter dreams came true: I spent that Sunday afternoon with yellow, fuzzy peeps. Like, the real kind. Not the stale marshmellows that no one possibly likes but everyone still gets in their Easter basket peeps. No, the real, live, living, breathing, blue-egg-laying, cute as can possibly be Easter peeps. Baby chickens. I may have smuggled one home. Or two. Shhh.

My Maple found his partner in crime. It was love at first sight between those two. A two-week old baby cow, who my two-year-old niece so cleverly named Cowgirl. Don't let her fool you...she's much less innocent than she looks. I have the bruise to prove it. She headbutted me from behind, when I was the least bit suspecting, and lifted me off my feet. All for some milk. Cowgirl's got spunk.

Muffin man was pretty fond of her, too. Looking all dapper in his chambray shirt, navy cords, fringed mocassins, and riding cap. He could teach us all a thing or two about rodeoing with class. Isn't my sissy-in-law so gorgie? And of course that baby of hers! 

I spent an afternoon antique-ing for a big upcoming venture of mine, and stumbled across this steal of a deal: an antique Moroccan hanging lamp. I even met the adorable 90-year old man who's booth it was in--he bought it 40-some-odd years ago from an antique show. This gem is old. And I'm going to hardest time letting her go. For now she will look pretty in my dining room. Safe keeping...of course.

I hired an assistant. She wears glasses. But maybe she wouldn't even need them if she'd just brush her hair out of her eyes. She also lacks opposable thumbs, so she's proven quite useless. But she does look quite cute curled up in the window, lazily barking at studio passerby's.

I started a new project last week with the most amazing new clients. I'm so excited to work with them, and do wonders to this sprawling house on a gorgeous Kentucky horse farm that's been neglected for far too long. Glad they're the new owners, and want to instill so much life back in her.

Now that it's finally not snowing, my Home Depot patio design challenge can finally be finished, which is exactly what I've been working on this week. The proof is in this DIY project: a blockprinted Indian-esque tablecloth. Can't wait to show you the final result!

And speaking of that patio, she'll have lots of cozy pillows...

And some other fun touches. Blue and white stripes, anyone? Yes, please.

So there you have it. My Easter...and my lately. Must go...baby chicks need feeding. Just kidding, I really didn't steal them...or...? 


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