08 October 2012


Y'all. Let me tell you: I have an amazing family. I'm seriously blessed to be surrounded and inspired by a number of brilliant artists, who are all insanely talented in their own regard.

 Just one of those artists is my brother-in-law, AJ--his inherent talents continually blow us away. He composes (aka "scores") music for documentaries, and is quickly becoming highly revered within the film industry for his (excuse my french) bad ass music writing capabilities. We couldn't be more proud of our brother and best friend. Except that he composed several musical scores for Blood Brother, a film that's making giant waves amongst the documentary world. Check it out for yourself...before it hits Sundance :)

The trailer itself is soul-wrenching. Just imagine what the film, in its entirety, will be...

I'm beyond proud..and inspired...and moved...and am bursting at the seams to watch these brilliant minds document just how beautiful human life is...and can be.

Check it out for yourself, my friends:



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love it! he is so talented!!