08 March 2011

Contest: Cooking With Brew.

Do you like cooking?
Do you like beer?
Do you like cooking with beer?

If so, Pearlstine Distributers (here in Charles) is hosting a recipe contest that calls for good fare made with good brew. Interested in submitting your very own concoction? Check out the rules and regulations. Oh, did I mention the winner will receive a $500, an amazing grill and the opportunity for their recipe to be featured in a local Charleston restaurant?  And, who says you actually have to live in Charleston to enter? Winning would certainly be a good excuse for a Holy City visit... :)


Pearlstine Distributors said...

Thanks for the plug, Hannah!

And that's $500 + a really sweet grill! Cash and goods and the Charleston population buying YOUR dish :)

If you aren't entering, be sure to comment and vote on the one you think we should pick!

Christina for Pearlstine Distributors

Meg said...

oooh I wish I could cook and enter!! awesome prizes!