29 October 2010

Kitchen 125.

Finding myself, once again, undeniably envious of NYC. As if the city limits don't harbor enough sparkle and wonder, they now have the most brilliant little etsy shop (and kitchen, for that matter) concocting and selling award-winning (yes, I can vouch for that claim) guacamole, sauces, dips...you name it.

NYC--you have it. So savor it. Pay a visit to her etsy shop...you won't be sorry. She'll even deliver her flavor-packed makings to your door. Lucky me got to design the logo and  insignia, and I'm now seriously considering voiding monetary payment in lieu of guacamole.

Best of luck, Ms. 125. So looking forward to hearing of your well-deserved success.

1 comment:

Anne Dean said...

Hannah! What an adorable, simple design. Good work!